Revise Table 1 as follows:

1. Remove TO-15 from "ASTM and U.S. EPA methods" column
2. Add the full list of target chemicals, except formaldehyde, from CDPH Standard Method v1.1 in place of the single row (Target chemicals listed in CDPH Standard Method v1.1, Table 4.1, except formaldehyde) and revise the Maximum concentrations from CDPH Standard Method v1.1 2010, Allowable Concentrations, Table 4-1 with the Cal/EPA OEHHA full CREL in effect on June 2014.
3. reformat table for clarity

Thursday, October 1, 2015
Updated date: 
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Internationally Applicable: 
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Ref Guide Name and Edition Pre-v4: 
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