Option 1: Revise total number of points available from "(1-24)" to "(4-24)"

1. Replace Table 1 Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – % Cost PCI below PCIt with the following table:

ID+C Points

0%* 4
3% 5
6% 6
9% 7
12% 8
15% 9
18% 10
21% 11
24% 12
30% EP

2. Below Table 1 Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – % Cost PCI below PCIt, in the sentence that reads "New Tier 2 off-site renewable energy as defined in EA credit Renewable Energy may be subtracted from proposed greenhouse gas emissions prior to calculating proposed building performance.", replace the word "New" with "Tier 2".

3. Replace Table 2. Points for percentage improvement in energy performance – % Greenhouse Gas Emissions PCI below PCIt with the following table:

ID+C Points
0%* 4
3% 5
6% 6
9% 7
12% 8
18% 9
25% 10
35% 11
50% 12
65% EP

4. Below Table 2, insert the following sentence: "*0% improvement is based on base building compliance with ASHRAE 90.1-2016 requirements."

Option 2

5. Revise the Option 2 title so it is worth 1-17 points and reads as follows: "Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance (1–17 points)"

6. Building Envelope: Climate Zones 1-2: replace both instances of "70%" with "50%"

7. Tenant Systems heading: replace "(1-12 points)" with "(1-12 points)"

8. Interior Lighting Systems heading: replace "(1–5 points)" with "(1–7 points)"

9. Lighting Power Density sub-heading: replace "(1–3 points)" with "(1–5 points)"

10. Replace Table 3. Points for percentage reduction in lighting power density with the following table:

Percentage below standard LPD Points
10% 1
20% 2
30% 3
40% 4
50% 5

Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Updated date: 
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Internationally Applicable: 
Campus Applicable: 
Ref Guide Name and Edition Pre-v4: 
USGBC nid: