
Replace the text of the fourth bulleted item with the following:All hard surface flooring must meet the requirements of the FloorScore?standard (current as of the date of this rating system, or more stringentversion) as shown with testing by an independent third-party. Mineral-basedfinish flooring products such as tile, masonry, terrazzo, and cutstone without integral organic-based coatings and sealants andunfinished/untreated solid wood flooring qualify for credit without any IAQtesting requirements. However, associated site-applied adhesives,grouts, finishes and sealers must be compliant for a mineral-based orunfinished/untreated solid wood flooring system to qualify for credit.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Updated date: 
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Internationally Applicable: 
Campus Applicable: 
Ref Guide Name and Edition Pre-v4: 
Green Interior Design and Construction, 2009 edition
USGBC nid: