Building codes establish the minimum legal requirements for buildings. There are typically two types—prescriptive and performance.
Prescriptive codes tell a designer what must be done (such as requiring R-20 insulation in the walls). Performance codes simply provide a metric that must be met (such as total energy use relative to a baseline), allowing the project to meet that benchmark in a variety of ways.
Code requirements differ from locale to locale, so here we cover news related to sustainability or energy use in building codes, and ways in which innovative green technologies are limited by code requirements.
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An Advocate’s Guide to Resilience Regulations
Feature Article
Resilience is finding its place in city zoning and building codes. Here are some ideas to bring to your local government.
How to Succeed with the Living Building Challenge: 12 Teams Share Tips
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The bar is high—that’s obvious—but watch out for some surprising pitfalls. Here’s how dedicated teams have tackled Living Building challenges.
Net-Zero Water and More: Moving Beyond “Low Flow”
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These emerging water strategies are finding momentum and filling the need to address efficiency and resilience on multiple scales.
Quick Takes
Jump straight to the essentials with these short explanations of green building concepts.
Graywater Collection and Use
If properly stored and separated from potable water, graywater collected from sinks, showers, and clothes washers can be used to irrigate landscaping.
Product Guidance
Unbiased information from our product experts helps you separate green from greenwash.
How Low-Flow Can You Go with Plumbing Fixtures?
Product Review
BuildingGreen-Approved toilets, urinals, showerheads, and faucets automatically meet CALGreen and LEED v4 water-efficiency standards.
In The News
We break news down to the essentials and provide expert analysis.
California’s Embodied Carbon Code May Embolden Other States
News Analysis
CalGreen’s new embodied carbon requirement is unprecedented in the U.S. We analyze the code and what might come next for other states.
4 Big Questions as Building Codes Consider Embodied Carbon
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Beyond “buy clean” procurement policies, a newer race is on to limit embodied carbon through codes. But the fate of the effort is uncertain.
Pushing for a Greener Code? 5 Tips from Massachusetts
News Analysis
Building professionals advocating for stricter local requirements can learn from the innovative stretch energy codes in Massachusetts.
Big Code Changes Afoot in ASHRAE 90.1-2022
News Brief
The ASHRAE 90.1 code newly addresses thermal bridging, air leakage, and cool walls and also requires renewables for most projects.
Thought-provoking opinions from the most trusted minds in sustainability.
Plastics Industry Still Shouting "Fire" At Its Own Peril
The foam insulation industry's united stand against code changes could backfire in the marketplace.