Performance Modeling

Photo: Daderot. License: Public domain

Building performance modeling is the use of software to simulate system performance. Energy modeling, daylight modeling, and hygrothermal modeling are some of the types used.
When modeling is only used late in design, the modeling might have little value beyond keeping score. When using an iterative process starting early in design, results of modeling become feedback not only for the current project but also for future projects and design approaches.

Performance Modeling

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  • 2030 Culture: Six Selfish Reasons to Commit

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    2030 Commitment signatories are making progress on climate goals. Along the way, they’re also finding new ways to save time and money.

  • Doing Daylighting Right

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    Harvesting daylight is a popular way to save energy and promote productivity. But getting it wrong is all too easy-and can have the opposite effects.

  • Energy Modeling: Early and Often

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    For the biggest energy and cost savings, model early in design and model often, say the experts.

  • Designing for the Next Century's Weather

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