LEED Project Management Course

LEED Project Management - Preliminary LEED Assessment Module

Successfully managing the LEED documentation process requires specific knowledge, tools and skills that are not covered in the LEED Reference Manual. This condensed, online training is based on the LEED Project Management course that GreenStep developed and teaches through the University of California–Berkeley. As part of this interactive CEU program, participants are provided the opportunity to learn by doing. Each module includes real-world LEED project scenarios designed to be hands-on and engaging, while giving people an opportunity to put the concepts into practice.

In this module, participants will learn how to perform a preliminary LEED evaluation, also called a preliminary LEED ‘Charrette’. During the first half of the CEU module, participants will be provided the knowledge & direction needed to successfully kick off a LEED project, including how to navigate LEED Online, troubleshoot potential setbacks, and utilize tools for managing the LEED documentation process. The initial instruction will be followed by a real-world practice exercise that challenges participants to compare & contrast various LEED Rating Systems, while developing a LEED Checklist (also called Scorecard) that outlines that likelihood of achieving each credit for a given project.

The ultimate goal of our LEED Project Management CEU series, including this LEED Preliminary Assessment module, is to empower participants with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to make an immediate impact on future LEED projects.

Learning Objectives

  1. Perform a preliminary LEED assessment for BD+C, ID+C and O+M projects.
  2. Identify how to leverage tools such as the LEED Checklist and LEED Online to successfully manage LEED requirements for BD+C, ID+C, and O+M projects.
  3. Compare & contrast various LEED Rating Systems in an effort to select the best Rating System for a given project, whether it be BD+C, ID+C, or O+M.
  4. Describe potential costs (or lack thereof) associated with pursuing LEED Certification.
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