Affordable Housing or Green Housing? We Can Say Yes to Both

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Should housing be affordable? Or should it be sustainably designed, built, and operated?

When you put it like that, the question sounds absurd.

But the idea—usually unspoken—that sustainability wastes precious time and resources is painfully common in the affordable housing world. 

It’s time to bust that myth. In this webcast, you’ll hear from experts who are:

  • Dispensing with the sustainability “sales pitch” and centering people and community instead

  • Drawing on millennia of Indigenous knowledge and design to build contemporary, culturally responsive green communities 

  • Distilling the complex landscape of healthy building materials to help project teams make meaningful choices

  • Working at the leading edge of green affordable housing, climate disaster response, and community resilience on a national scale

Yes, available funding for building and rehabilitating affordable housing is inadequate—but that’s all the more reason to get this right when we get the chance


  • Katie Ackerly of David Baker Architects
  • Gina Ciganik of Habitable
  • Krista Egger of Enterprise Community Partners
  • Daniel Glenn of 7 Directions Architects/Planners

After viewing this webcast, you should be able to:

  1. Understand how sustainability and affordability can align during design, construction, and operation.

  2. Understand why cultural heritage and social equity must be central to sustainable housing design. 

  3. Describe how architecture and planning inspired by Indigenous models of dwelling can help us build more sustainable and resilient communities.

  4. Explain why it’s crucial to consider—and communicate to clients—the true life-cycle costs, rather than just the first costs, of integrative design as well as building products and materials.