Blog Post

BuildingGreen party at Greenbuild

Last night we and the GreenSource folks had an intimate, half-crazed private party for 350 invited green builders at the Funky Buddha—a curious and amazing place of several connected rooms filled with murals, sculpture, candles, conversation niches, and atmosphere. Drinks and laughter were the order of the evening. It turns out that I'm not as young as I used to be. Here's a short slideshow of dark, grainy images One unexpected thing about this place is that one of the rooms has extensive sculpted cob seating and ornament. "Cob" is an old European term for what basically amounts to monolithic adobe. There are oodles of historic, occupied, centuries-old cob houses in Devon, England, and it's enjoying popularity in the U.S. thanks to the Cob Cottage Company in Oregon. My wife is a cobber.

Published November 8, 2007

(2007, November 8). BuildingGreen party at Greenbuild. Retrieved from

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