Hello! My name is Philip Scheffer. I am a web developer/help desk support/ikea-furniture-puter-together-er at BuildingGreen. I have been working here since Feb. '07 while on hiatus from college (I guess I should call it a leave of absence since its been longer than 6 months... I should probably finish eh?)
I grew up in the boondocks of Weathersfield, Vermont and rather enjoyed it! I really like living in the city but in the long run, miss the mountains. When I am not working at BuildingGreen I am usually playing video games, snowboarding, skateboarding, biking, having a delicious pint of the bitter stuff, drawing, designing, stenciling, making more work for myself, blogging, cooking, watching cooking shows, beaching, playing guitar, playing drums, playing more guitar, listening to music, working on one of my old German cars, visiting friends, or playing golf. Woah.
At BuildingGreen I code ColdFusion, HTML, CSS, javascript, ajax, and SQL. We get to do some in-house design which is a lot of fun. Our office is almost all on Macs (MARK!) and we have an IT Lounge.
The Celtics just won their 17th championship. I am still ecstatic. I hope to add some miscellaneous website notes, instructions, or development posts, as well as random tech pieces I find and must write a note about.
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