Blog Post

Maybe not so great after all: AIA Guide to Integrated Project Delivery

I'm still clinging to the notion that the Integrated Project Delivery paper from the AIA is worth a look-see. (You may also see desperate beads of sweat on my forehead if you look closely.) I always believe everything Nadav says (almost), but having additionally spoken with a couple handfuls of other exceptionally well-informed smarties about it during Greenbuild—including COTE people—chances are good that he was really, really right. There appears to be no small number of those who think that I might have been too generous in my initial assessment. Judge for yourself, and feel free to let me know how far off-base I was. It will be a service for those to come.

Published November 12, 2007

(2007, November 12). Maybe not so great after all: AIA Guide to Integrated Project Delivery. Retrieved from

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