Blog Post

Video: Household carbon emissions are... creepy

If M. Night Shyamalan did a movie on carbon emissions, it might look something like this. The Alliance for Climate Protection has a video that helps homeowners visualize their carbon emissions. After all, they're colorless, odorless, and come with a nifty time-delay of consequences that can lull a person into thinking that it's all going to be fine. Everything was fine... until someone left the coffeemaker, but who? The bed is made, but no one's home. Whom does the dryer tumble for? The ancestral photo in the hallway? The lamp is on and blowing balloons. The refrigerator is strangely empty. Wait... it's happening in the whole neighborhood! "Village of the Damned... Emissions"?

Published November 14, 2008

(2008, November 14). Video: Household carbon emissions are... creepy. Retrieved from

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