Blog Post
Welcome to Live
BuildingGreen. Inc., is respected and honored for its unbiased, in-depth, thoughtful reporting and commentary on the green building industry. Here on Live, we're picking up the pace and unleashing our more dynamic and informal side—sharing some of the most timely and just plain interesting news as we hear it. The best part is that you can join in, adding your knowledge, thoughts, and ideas. In the right-hand column of this page, we'll be adding links to the latest additions, changes, and comments in the subscription-supported BuildingGreen Suite of integrated, online versions of Environmental Building News, GreenSpec, our database of high-performance buildings case studies, and more—searchable and cross-referenced by CSI MasterFormat divisions, LEED credits, green topics, and related content. Glad you're here. Enjoy.
Published October 26, 2007 Permalink Citation
(2007, October 26). Welcome to Live. Retrieved from
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