Blog Post

Wind energy in the Times

A wind turbine ad on the New York Times homepage! Sure, Web ads are relatively cheap, but it still looks like a sign that alternative energy is hitting the big time. And the day after this ad ran, the Times ran a page 1 story (in print as well as on the Web) about wind power, exploring concerns that while some say wind could provide as much as 20% of the U.S. electricity supply, the existing grid isn't up to the task of transmitting power from the often remote places that have the best wind resources to the populous regions that need it. How to retool for a more sustainable energy future is a discussion that eventually has to shift from the specialized realm of energy experts and environmentalists into more popular venues. Here's an indication that that's happening.

Published August 27, 2008

(2008, August 27). Wind energy in the Times. Retrieved from

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