1. Under the heading for the adaptations, insert new path title "Path 1. Access to Public Transit Service"

2. Within the fourth item in the bulleted list of criteria, insert "for Path 1" after "Privately-run shuttles are only acceptable"

3. Within the heading for Table 1 insert "public" between "daily" and "transit"

4. After the paragraph beginning "If existing transit service..." insert the following new language:


Path 2. Access to Project-sponsored Transit Service

Commit to providing year-round transit service (vans, shuttles, buses) for regular occupants and visitors that meets the minimums listed in Table 2, Service must be guaranteed for at least 3 years from the project’s certificate of occupancy.

Within the project boundary, provide at least one transit stop shelter at each transit stop within a ¼-mile (400-meter) walking distance from a functional entry of the project. A building lobby is allowed instead of shelter if the transit stop is visible from inside and located no greater than 200 feet (60 meters) walking distance from the transit stop.

• For each qualifying transit route, total trips (inbound and outbound) are counted towards the threshold.
• If a qualifying transit route has multiple stops within the required walking distance, only trips from one stop are counted towards the threshold.
• Only directly accessible trips within the specified distances are allowed. Trips available from connected transit facilities do not contribute to the minimum trips under Path 2.

Table 2. Minimum daily project-sponsored transit service

Total daily trips Points
30 1
45 2

Provide a guaranteed ride home program for employees who have carpooled, taken transit, walked, or cycled to work but require alternative transportation home for emergencies or unscheduled overtime.

Monday, November 9, 2020
Updated date: 
Monday, March 1, 2021
Internationally Applicable: 
Campus Applicable: 
Ref Guide Name and Edition Pre-v4: 
USGBC nid: