Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Maintenance Staff

Forum discussion

Maintenance Staff

July 29, 2015

I have a highrise office building that will be mixed use office & retail. None of the spaces are yet leased, but the owner does anticipate that the building will need full time maintenance staff and has included shower and restroom facilities, exclusively for their use, on one of the basement levels. Since we don't know the actual occupancy, we are using Appendix 1 Table 1 default values for the types of spaces, to determine FTE.
Does LEED assumed that these default values will take into account building support staff?
How would you handle water calcs for the showers and restrooms, that will be exclusively used by the support staff, without knowing how many support staff there will be? My feeling is for toilets, urinals, and lav faucets, it will be a wash (excuse the pun), since support staff will also have access to all restrooms throughout the building, but how do you address exclusive use showers?

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Appeal Design Credits After Construction Review has begun?

Forum discussion

Appeal Design Credits After Construction Review has begun?

July 22, 2015

I have a CS 2009 project where 2 credits were denied in the Design Final Review. We are sitting at 42 points if all goes as planned. While I can appeal one of the credits and pursue it through Option 2 instead of Option 1, I need to understand if it's necessary. If we achieve all the credits as planned, we should be fine. If we lose 3 other points during the construction review, we will only be at 39 points. Can I appeal a credit that was Denied during the Design Final Review during the Construction Review?
I'm afraid that accepting the Design Final Review and skipping the Appeal will ruin my chance of appealing later. Will it, or will I be able to appeal the denied credit later if necessary?


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Documenting Master Site Credits

Forum discussion

Documenting Master Site Credits

July 10, 2015

I got this below from the LEED Help Center, which I find really confusing, and does not accord with the current LEED Online for Campus/Master Site format. Does anyone have any insight?

How do I transfer completed form information from the Master Site to the campus project credit without having to re-input and re-upload information?


There’s no need to transfer documentation in the campus project’s scorecard. On the campus project’s scorecard, select the master site you wish to reference via the drop down menu to the right of the credit name. By default, this drop down will say “project credit,” indicating that the credit is being attempted within the campus project and is not referencing a pre-approved Master Site credit. Selecting a Master Site ID in this drop down indicates to the reviewer that you are pulling that master site credit, instead of documenting it for the campus project.

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v4 Project on 2009 Campus

Forum discussion

v4 Project on 2009 Campus

June 30, 2015

Dear all,

I am working on a LEED CS 2009 project on a 2009 Master site. Our ambition is that the next up coming project is to be a v4 project. Now the question is: can a v4 project be certified on a 2009 master site? Or do we have to "re-do" the master site which at this stage is not the preferred option, as the 2009 project is not certified yet.

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Submission of Design Cr. during Constr. Final Rev. f. 2nd round

Forum discussion

Submission of Design Cr. during Constr. Final Rev. f. 2nd round

June 28, 2015

Split-Review project: We submitted a Design credit for Design Prelim Review and for the Final Design Review, I would like to put this credit on hold and first submit for a second round of review during Final Construction Review.
I understand from the comments, that i have to put the credit on "not attempted" (on LEEDonline) during Final Design Review to avoid a second review at this time. During Final Construction Review I would then mark the credit for "attempt" and get the second review there without having to appeal. Is that correctly understood? Thanks!!

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Historical data for an International Convention Centre

Forum discussion

Historical data for an International Convention Centre

June 25, 2015

Where could we access historical data on occupancy or attendance data of an international convention centre?
Would anyone be able to provide a some guidance on calculating FTEs and transients for a convention centre.

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Treatment of shared chiller plant

Forum discussion

Treatment of shared chiller plant

June 24, 2015

We have a central chiller plant generating chilled water to serve a hotel and a convention centre. Only the convention centre will be seeking LEED certification under LEED NC 2009. We have a couple of queries:
1. Is it compulsory to account for shared chiller plant and the associated change in part load efficiencies, increased pumping energy etc? It would be more conservative not to account for as part load efficiency would tend to be lower and pumping energy higher as the cooling load increases serving two buildings.
2. If it is compulsory do we need to follow the methodologies in the DESv2 doc or can we construct our own methodology?
3. Is the most recent version of the DESv2 doc the August 2013 publication?

Thanks in advance.

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LEED for Homes MidRise and Commercial Condo Space

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LEED for Homes MidRise and Commercial Condo Space

June 19, 2015

First, context: We have been hired to certify a community space in the bottom 2 floors+basement of a 5-6 story Multi-Family MIDRise project. The multi-family project is being certified under the 2010 LEED for HOMES rating system. The space our client inhabits was purchased outright as commercial condo space - they are owners, not tenants. They have been asked to obtain LEED certification by the seller and we have determined that LEED CI will be our chosen path.
My question: Do we need to comply with any or all of the prerequisite or credits achieved by the residential project or can our certification under CI be deemed completely separate? In the LEED for HOMES guideboook the following statement appears;
"Buildings in the LEED for Homes mid-rise multi-family pilot must meet the following criteria:The prerequisites and credits are applicable for the entire building, not just the residential spaces. For any section of the building not completed at the time of certification (e.g., commercial space up for lease), tenant fit-out guidelines must be part of any contract and a copy must be submitted with the certification documents to ensure that all prerequisites and credits are met by the entire building, as appropriate."

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Want to Appeal Denied SSc4.3

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Want to Appeal Denied SSc4.3

June 17, 2015

We have submitted our design review and we got the report back. We want to appeal the about mentioned credit.
In making our changes, the number of parking spaces has decreased by 6. This form/number of spaces is linked to other forms, thus will this effect other credits that have already been accepted? Do we need go back and change the numbers in the other credits as well. (Ex: Alternative Transportation)

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LEED Online v4 for Multiple Buildings on a Campus

Forum discussion

LEED Online v4 for Multiple Buildings on a Campus

June 4, 2015

LEED Online v4 was a surprise in more ways than one.
The individual projects are now certified under the Master Site, which is certified under the Campus (the old "block").
All well and good. (No really, this is a great refinement.)
I am now confused that project credits (as opposed to Master Site credits) appear on the Master Site page, as well as on the individual project page.
In some cases it would be more efficient to document everything on the Master Site page. Is this acceptable? Has anyone any insight about this?


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