News Analysis

FTC Revises EnergyGuide Labels for Clothes Washers

As of July 14, the spurious distinction made by the Federal Trade Commission between horizontal axis (front-loading) and vertical axis (top-loading) clothes washers with respect to energy consumption will end.

Previously, the FTC maintained two categories for measuring energy consumption, one for front-loaders and another for top-loaders. This split allowed the least-efficient horizontal-axis washers to be described on stickers as “Uses Most Energy,” despite using about half the energy of the average top-loader. The confusion was deepened by the fact that these same “inefficient” front-loading machines are Energy Star® certified. Following a successful 1998 petition by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), all clothes washers will now be ranked according to energy usage—regardless of design. It is hoped that removing the confusing labeling will increase the market appeal of high-efficiency washers. For more details see EBN

Published June 1, 2000

(2000, June 1). FTC Revises EnergyGuide Labels for Clothes Washers. Retrieved from