Blog Post


Jerelyn Wilson — who has the inadequate title of "Outreach Director" for BuildingGreen — came down the hall and into my office a few minutes ago, bright-eyed and holding the current issue of YES! magazine in front of her, folded open. "Have you seen this?!" she asked, holding it out for me:

Powerful image — even more powerful in the magazine, where it's bigger and crisper. If you haven't read YES! before, please pick one up at a newsstand... or request a free trial issue. About that photo:
"Tsewang Norbu lives in the village of Digger across the 4,500 meters high Khardungla pass in the Leh District. He is twenty-eight years old, has five children and keeps goats. He was selected by his community to be trained in the installation, repair and maintenance of solar photovoltaic units. All the solar units he installed were brought to the village by Yak and on the backs of people from the village. He was trained on the job: he installed fifty-nine units himself, taking three months to complete the work. The units were installed in 1992. They are still working." Photo by Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia

Copyright 2008 Barefoot College, Tilonia, India

(More pictures and words.)

Being around and working with people to whom not just an enthusiastic and positive world future, but an enthusiastic and positive here and now, matters, is inspiring and humbling. People who celebrate goodness, and strive for it.

Published February 22, 2008

(2008, February 22). YES!. Retrieved from

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