BuildingGreen Report

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Hi folks, 

We all need some more fun and now that we are all breathing better - let's do it!

WHAT is the "Lighter Side of Green" (LSG) ?

You all are rockstars in the Green world, but what about your other talents? LSG is a show where we will highlight the artistic and comedic talents of our Green Building community!... Read more

Forum topic

Hello SCL members,

A gaping hole has been left since Patty Lloyd stepped down from our SCL steering committee. Don't worry, she is still in the network and tirelessly championing SCL. But this means we are opening up nominations for at least one leadership spot. If you are interested, please email me directly ( Read more

Forum topic

Hello -

We're hiring two interns this summer. One position is in Urban Design & Planning, the other is an architectural position split roughly equally between our Housing Studio and our Sustainability Resources Group. If you know of potential candidates who might be interested, please forward this link. Read more

Forum topic

Hi Everyone!

Does anyone have a good resource for whole-building embodied carbon benchmarks broken down by building use and building category (structure, foundation, envelope, interior)?

I know of CLF’s 2017 Benchmark Study (great resource!) and the One-Click LCA study on European Buildings but are there any others?  I know many... Read more

Forum topic

Hey there SDLs!

We're having a debate in our firm about whether we're at a tipping point to hire an in-house energy modeler - someone capable of doing an MEP-caliber energy model inside a design firm. I know some you have in-house energy modelers on staff and I'd love to hear your experiences:

- How did you know your firm was at a... Read more

Forum topic

As I prepare to search for summer interns, I'm wondering what colleges and universities have programs for sustainability in the built environment. Are there any that you all know of? I am trying to find alternatives to the traditional architecture programs that we track. Thanks

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This is not my area of expertise but our contactor has suggested central heat pump hot water (CHPHW) is $1m more expensive than gas fired domestic hot water for a 150 unit multi-family residential building in Massachusetts. The Building Decarbonization Practice Guide is extremely helpful but, from their comments, it is all coming... Read more

Firm-wide Group

Spotlight Report

Older buildings—especially those from the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s—need our help. Many leave something to be desired in terms of aesthetics and comfort. But the truth is that they are part of the urban and suburban fabric now, and they aren’t going anywhere. As tempting as it might seem to tear them all down and replace them with high-performance... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Take Control of Your Materials: Four Empowering Lessons from Teams That Beat the Red List.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Customize a framework to prioritize goals and simplify complex material decisions.
2. Use a red-list... Read more


Charlotte has been the lead customer service representative at BuildingGreen for 25 years. 

Having been involved in the nuts and bolts of customer service and accounting throughout various phases of the company’s development, Charlotte’s historical knowledge is immensely helpful to BuildingGreen’s staff and customers. Customers know her... Read more

Forum topic

Hello everyone,

We are far too often asked to include parking in our buildings (because why shouldn't the average family have 2.1 kids, .8 pets, and 3 cars) and it always grates on me that we are putting so many resources (natural and monetary) into something that is almost certainly single use and will need to be demolished in 30 years... Read more

Forum topic

Congratulations on the site launch!  One problem, though... you appear to have overlooked the home page orientation video. Currently there's just a placeholder image that doesn't actually do anything. Did your team end up producing a BIT User video?

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I am working with a state agency who is interested in exploring performance contracting (primarily energy focus, but not necessarily limited to...) and it's been a while since I had heard of others implementing this (GSA, some universities).

Do any of you out there know of current/recent owners executing performance... Read more

Forum topic

I am looking for anyone that specializes in this area, see the principles below.

We have looked at HOK's Neurodiveristy document which is great. Are there other resources like this, or other designers/consultants you have worked with?



Kristen... Read more

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

It was so wonderful to meet some of you last month and experience the whirlwind of a summit! I hope you've enjoyed looking over the Summit Report and the flip chart notes, and they've helped bring some order to the vast amount of material we covered. Here's one more piece for you - slides from the 5-minute presentations.... Read more

Forum topic

Hello Green Gurus!

Here is a [LINK] to an updated version of the letter, including all the signatories we had as of last Friday - thank you all!

This message is really geared for your firm's social media/communications team, so if you aren’t that person, please share this message with them! With that said, all of you (whether your... Read more