BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic

I am brushing up on current tools for local government greenhouse gas inventories and was wondering if any of you have used the EPA's Local Government Greenhouse Gas Inventory tool? Download the Local Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool | US EPA 

Some of my immediate questions include: 

Is the EPA tool straightforward to use?

Are... Read more


Pat U. Mellona

Forum topic

Hi Everyone,

Who has worked on a SITES certification and can share the approximate hours involved for administering and completing documentation? A relative sense of the effort compared to LEED would also be helpful, similar to the thread about WELL on this same subject. 

Appreciate any insight. Thanks! -Hilary

Forum topic


Back again re: the work we're doing with City of Cambridge, in their great leadership efforts to develop EC policy/regs/incentives and reporting requirements.

Thanks to those who responded earlier about the effort it takes you to conduct WBLCA - now we're diving into it in more depth and wanting to get together a focus... Read more

Forum topic

Hi All,

As you know from the SCL Summit last year, I have been organizing a task group to create a draft of our SCL Contractor Commitment. We have come up with a short Tiered commitment draft as well as some best practices and challenges that led us to the commitment. I encourage everyone to take a look at the draft and please send any... Read more

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars


This one-hour crash course will review the concepts and key facts within the WELL Building... Read more

Firm-wide Group

Team Group

Forum topic

Team SCL,

This was a tough week. My husband coined a phrase "20% laid off."

Unfortunately, 50% of our business is currently impacted by governmental orders stating that our work is non-essential. This is bitter-sweet. I certainly want people to be safe, but we've had to make some tough decisions and in the geographies that were... Read more

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

I'm interested in identifying any in-person opportunities (local to Greater Boston) to engage my office during Earth Week. We are all excited to be able to do things in person now, so if anyone has anything on their radar please let me know (a panel, educational activity, or volunteer opportunity!)

Thanks,... Read more

News Analysis

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Welcome to the quiz portion of LEED and WELL Product Labels: A Guide and Analysis!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

Recognize product-related programs for LEED v4 BD+C, LEED v4.1 BD+C, WELL v1, and WELL v2 that contribute to the sustainability of projects and the health and... Read more

Forum topic

Has anyone had a Contractor track GHG emissions during construction? If so, any advice on how to include that in the project specifications?



Forum topic

Lake|Flato developed a project process road map as an internal project management tool over a decade ago, and we're looking into updating it.  It serves as a sort of "checklist" of major design, sustainability, and QA/QC milestones for each project phase.  I know we've talked about similar tools at other firms at past SDL summits, so wanted to... Read more

Peer Networks


The Sustainable Design Leaders peer network brings together the best and most committed sustainable design practitioners in North America. We invite you to join us!

Benefits Private online forum: The perfect setting to ask questions and get advice from peers on issues that affect your work. You’ll also get access to the cross-... Read more

Forum topic

Does anyone have experience pursing SITES certification on an essentially a zero-lot line project?

We are required to achieve silver certification, but the project scope/phasing recently changed and the entire site/parking area was eliminated and we no longer have a green roof. It still appears we can meet silver certification as so few... Read more



Welcome to the quiz portion of Choosing Windows: Looking Through the Options.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Choose a frame material based on its structural characteristics, thermal insulation, durability, maintenance requirements, cost, and effects on the... Read more