BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic


We are having a discussion / a bit of a debate in our office about the merits and sustainability of different roofing materials. Our current standard is to use a PVC membrane, which we all know is highly toxic. TPO is an obvious alternative that is less toxic, but it has some performance concerns and can often lead to leaking (not... Read more


Emma's role at BuildingGreen includes coordinating social media activity, setting up and scheduling weekly emails, and completing various marketing projects. She is also responsible for ensuring that members receive continuing education credits.

... Read more

Forum topic

Good Morning;

I wanted to share a resource that everybody might not be aware of - HomeFree by the Healthy Building Network which can be found here:

Most of us know that HBN exists, but i think many folks just think HBN = Pharos, which is an extensive database behind a paywall that can... Read more

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

As you may know the ICC has changed the way the IECC will be written in the future and most of us think that will reduce the stringency of the future energy codes that are the biggest lever in the fight against climate change within the buildings sector.

So one of the best pathways forward is via ASHRAE, which has a... Read more

Forum topic

BITuser Meeting:  5/23/18

Participants:  Shane, Andrea, Angela


Southface to provide "style tiles" before 6/15 
Greg to send to Andrea, couple dozen images for Best Practice pages
Southface will send, in week to 10 days, "full content" for BP03 - Energy Audit 
(BP03 "full content" will address... Read more

Basic page

This page contains our full User Agreement.

This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for your use of all webpages under both the BuildingGreen and LEEDuser names and domains, published by BuildingGreen, Inc. (collectively, the “Site”), including The BuildingGreen Report (formerly Environmental Building News) and BuildingGreen... Read more

Peer Network Event

Forum topic

I just saw this post from Conor on LinkedIn.

Starting in January 2019, all new Columbia Construction Company projects require LED temp lighting.

Are others doing this too? Frankly, given all the benefits and how quickly the industry is matured, it's hard for me to understand why anyone would use anything other than LEDs on a job.... Read more

Forum topic

I suspect that some of you have already seen this or already signed it, but just in case, for your consideration:

Add your voice to the powerful chorus for climate policy and sign the LEAD statement.

More than 500 sustainability professionals have now signed, and the number is growing! 

To learn more about this: please read... Read more

Peer Networks


The Sustainable Design Leaders peer network brings together the best and most committed sustainable design practitioners in North America. We invite you to join us!

Benefits Private online forum: The perfect setting to ask questions and get advice from peers on issues that affect your work. You’ll also get access to the cross-... Read more

Forum topic

Please share this info with any contacts you have that you think would be a good candidate for our Design Performance Coordinator position -- Thanks!

Design Performance Coordinator in San Antonio

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce that registration for our Summer 2024 Sustainable Design Leaders Summit is now open! Join us from July 15th-17th at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, a beloved location where we’ve hosted Summits multiple times before. Register early to save your seat, and feel free to reach out to me with any... Read more

Product Guide

Replacing windows is expensive and comes with high impacts, but simple films can improve performance.

BuildingGreen-Approved Films

BuildingGreen approves three types of window films:

surface-applied films that have earned NFRC ratings and have a minimum 10-year warranty seasonal flexible-film kits bird-safety films Energy... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

Happy new year everyone!

My name is Vandita Mudgal, I am the first ever 'Sustainability Engineer (district)' for Hensel Phelps N. California district (covers Nor Cal and Pacific NW). As mentioned, this is the first ever sustainability position at Hensel Phelps, therefore I am developing a lot of processes and systems for our district... Read more

Forum topic

Hi all,

The AIA is collecting names of sustainability-savvy healthcare architects (and potentially allied professionals) for future national Healthcare Design Awards juries. This has been challenging, because jurors' firms can't submit for awards the year they are on the jury, and many people who otherwise would be excellent jurors work... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of EPDs Are the Future of the Building Industry, Whether You Like It or Not.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Explain how environmental product declarations (EPDs) are made, what they tell you, and how they're best used.
2. Describe... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of What You Need to Know About Concrete and Green Building.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Recognize concrete's environmental footprint and how to reduce the quantity of concrete used in buildings.
2. List the advantages and... Read more