News Brief

Allied Signal HFC Blowing Agent

According to the 22 May 1999 issue of the

Global Environmental Change Report,

AlliedSignal is seeking EPA approval for a new hydrofluorocarbon used in foam insulation production.

HFC-245fa has been in development since 1994 as a blowing agent for polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foam. This non-ozone-depleting foaming agent would replace HCFC-141b, which is due to be phased out by January 2003 through international agreement. According to the company, HFC-245fa matches the insulation performance of HCFC-141b while having zero ozone-depletion potential and a global-warming potential of 790, which is significantly lower than that of HFC-134a. (CO2 is defined as having a GWP of 1.) Atlas Roofing has already committed to hydrocarbon propellants, which are neither ozone depleters nor greenhouse gases but do have flammability concerns (see


Vol. 7, No. 5).

Published June 1, 1999

(1999, June 1). Allied Signal HFC Blowing Agent. Retrieved from

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