News Brief

Artists for Humanity Achieves Platinum

Located on a brownfield site in South Boston, the EpiCenter opens onto a grassy area irrigated with collected rainwater. Protected from street noise, the area is shaded in the summer and shielded from wind in the winter.

Photo: Arrowstreet, ©Richard Mandelkorn
EpiCenter, the Artists for Humanity, Inc., 23,500 ft2 (2,180 m2) headquarters in South Boston, Massachusetts, has achieved 53 points in the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® Rating System, earning the project a Platinum rating. Dedicated to “providing programs for youth empowerment through art and entrepreneurship,” the building includes fine art and commercial art studios, a learning laboratory, and 5,000 ft2 (465 m2) of gallery space for student work. With no mechanical cooling, the EpiCenter is expected to use very little energy, and it sports a 49-kilowatt PV array (currently the largest in Boston). A detailed profile of EpiCenter, designed by Arrowstreet, Inc., with green building consultant Mark Kelley from Building Science Engineering, is available in BuildingGreen’s Case Studies Database.

Published November 1, 2005

Boehland, J. (2005, November 1). Artists for Humanity Achieves Platinum. Retrieved from

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