News Brief

DCAT Survey Announcement

With some pretty impressive partners—the U.S. Green Building Council, the Rocky Mountain Institute, the AIA Committee on the Environment, and the International Conference of Building Officials—the Development Center for Appropriate Technology is conducting

a survey to assess the regulatory barriers to more sustainable building and development. The survey will gather information about challenges presented by natural materials such as straw bale, earthen materials, and bamboo with respect to current building regulations and building officials’ lack of familiarity with these systems. Expected results from the survey include specific code changes, new standards, new educational efforts, and support for research and testing. Any building professional or practitioner can complete a survey. To participate in this first-of-its-kind survey for the green building industry, check out the DCAT web site ( or e-mail Loretta Ishida at

Published July 1, 2001

(2001, July 1). DCAT Survey Announcement. Retrieved from

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