News Brief

Green Roofs Continue to Proliferate

Vegetated roofs remain small oases amid a desert of more conventional roofs, but according to a survey by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, a nonprofit industry organization, 3.1 million ft2 (290,000 m2) of green roof were installed in 2008, reflecting a growth rate of 35% over 2007.

Chicago distinguished itself for the third year in a row as the city with the most green roof—over half a million square feet—installed in the year covered by the survey. Washington, D.C., New York, and Vancouver, British Columbia, also placed high in the rankings.

A dramatic example of growing public policy support for green roofs is Toronto’s green roof bylaw, passed in May 2009, which sets a construction standard for the roofs and establishes minimum percentage requirements for green roof area on new large residential buildings, schools, commercial and industrial buildings, and nonprofit housing.

Published June 30, 2009

Wilmeth, M. (2009, June 30). Green Roofs Continue to Proliferate. Retrieved from

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