According to Annie Bevan, Green Circle does not currently have plans to use the certification for HPDs. The article has been corrected to clarify this.
News Brief
GreenCircle Will Label Products Eligible for LEED v4
These certification marks will appear on manufacturer inventories and GreenScreen documentation—simplifying research for project teams as well as for LEED submittal reviewers.“LEED v4 Compliant” Labels
Developed by Clean Production Action (creators of the GreenScreen methodology) and approved by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the certification program will allow manufacturers to label product literature as “LEED v4 Compliant.” Third parties will review documents such as manufacturer ingredient inventories and GreenScreen assessments to ensure they adhere to LEED v4 standards. GreenCircle is the first third-party certifier participating in the program.
If embraced by manufacturers, the program could reduce the need for project teams to make judgment calls about whether these complex disclosure and screening tools meet the rating system’s credit requirements.
The program has launched, and about 30 manufacturers have already expressed interest in pursuing the label, though none has had documents certified yet, according to Annie Bevan of GreenCircle. But project teams should be able to locate certified products on the GreenCircle website and in other databases by mid-2015, she says.
Published February 20, 2015 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2015, February 20). GreenCircle Will Label Products Eligible for LEED v4. Retrieved from
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