News Brief

Local Green Building Programs Are Growing

Although the number of

local green building programs is still relatively small—there are fewer than 20 nationwide—forces are growing. In June of this year, the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (Greater Seattle) released their Built Green™ program. Partners for the home builder-based program include King and Snohomish Counties as well as the City of Seattle, the Fannie Mae Foundation, and the Puget Sound Water Quality Action. The recent listing of local salmon as Endangered Species resulted in particular focus and proactive work on criteria that affect water quality and site stormwater management. In Wisconsin, just the opposite approach has been taken—at least with the program name. In a partnership with the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative and the Wisconsin Energy Bureau, three central Wisconsin home builder associations released the Green Built program late last year. Key aspects of the Green Built program are a required HERS rating of 86 or better and on-site inspections of homes by a Technical Advisory Committee.

Published September 1, 2000

(2000, September 1). Local Green Building Programs Are Growing. Retrieved from

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