News Brief

Yale Team Hired to Support USGBC's Biobased Materials Deliberations

A team from Yale University’s Program on Forest Policy and Governance in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, in collaboration with Greg Norris of Sylvatica, Inc., has been hired by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). This team will provide research and outreach support to the LEED® Materials and Resources Technical Advisory Group (chaired by

EBN editor Nadav Malin), which has been charged with considering revisions to the biobased materials and forest certification credits in LEED to improve and align those credits (see


Vol. 15, No. 6). A request for proposals describing the project, with extensive background documents, is available on USGBC’s website:, search for “biobased materials.”

Published December 5, 2006

Malin, N. (2006, December 5). Yale Team Hired to Support USGBC's Biobased Materials Deliberations. Retrieved from

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