
BAC Launches Sustainable Design Institute

Boston Architectural College has created the Sustainable Design Institute to house its online continuing education course offerings in sustainable design.

We’re excited to announce a big change at what is perhaps the most extensive and highest-quality online sustainable design educational resource in the country. (BuildingGreen, publisher of

Environmental Building News, is a key partner in this resource.)

Boston Architectural College (BAC) has created the Sustainable Design Institute to house its online continuing education course offerings in sustainable design. These BAC courses in sustainable design have been created and refined with BuildingGreen’s input since 2004. Instructors in the program—including architects, landscape architects, engineers, interior designers, and green building consultants—are leading experts in their fields. Students from all walks of life participate in the small, instructor-led courses, and the online nature of instruction allows participation from all corners of the country and world.

Creation of the Sustainable Design Institute (SDI) will elevate the status of BAC’s green design education both within the BAC community and to the outside world. SDI joins the Landscape Institute, also part of the BAC Continuing Education department, that was acquired from Harvard University in 2009. As the new institute evolves, BAC’s director of sustainable design, Lance Fletcher, hopes to offer symposia, lecture series, and other programs. Information on SDI and its Certificate in Sustainable Design can be found at www.the-bac.edu/green/.


Published July 30, 2010

Wilson, A. (2010, July 30). BAC Launches Sustainable Design Institute. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/bac-launches-sustainable-design-institute

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