
Clearing the Air on IAQ

Clearing the Air on IAQ

Regarding your article entitled “Steelcase Providing Detailed Emissions Data,” published in the May/June 1995 issue of

Environmental Building News: I first want to commend you on the article and discussion regarding Steelcase’s efforts to reduce emission of VOCs and formaldehyde from its products. I also want to thank you for informing the public and end-users that detailed emissions data is available for most Steelcase products and the various components used during construction.

I do have a concern regarding a statement attributed to me. In the article, you state, “Strobridge has questions regarding the close relationship between AQS and the Carpet and Rug Institute, but he’s not concerned about their integrity.” This is not what I said during our conversation. I stated that “I

do not have a problem or any questions regarding their relationship.” As you read further into your article, other quoted statements will show this to be true.

Thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight.

James R. Strobridge, CIH

Sr. Industrial Hygienist

Steelcase Inc.

Grand Rapids, MI

Published July 1, 1995

(1995, July 1). Clearing the Air on IAQ. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/clearing-air-iaq

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