
Home Depot on Lumber Certification

Home Depot on

Lumber Certification

My compliments to you for an excellent publication. I just received my first issue and am glad I subscribed.

I’m not sure how you interpreted my comments from the Sustainable Forest Products Conference, but The Home Depot is not for, but against, a simple stamp or seal. We fully support the SCS Forest Conservation Index approach. What I was trying to communicate is that the certification process for wood should be thought of like a lumber grade stamp, except that instead of current grading systems that signify traditional product efficacy or quality, certified wood is in fact “graded” for ecological quality.

Mark Eisen

Manager, Environmental Mktg.

The Home Depot, Atlanta, GA

Published September 1, 1993

(1993, September 1). Home Depot on Lumber Certification. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/home-depot-lumber-certification

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