
Improved Searching in BuildingGreen Suite

As Google™ has proven, the power of search engines on the Internet cannot be overestimated. We’re pleased to report that, having learned that lesson and using hardware and software from Google, we’ve now improved the search capability for our website at BuildingGreen.com and our

BuildingGreen Suite premium information service. Our new search function sheds the idiosyncrasies of our previous search tool while increasing the usefulness of the search results. In fact, even if you subscribe only to

Environmental Building News in print and not to

BuildingGreen Suite, you can use the website search function to identify

EBN articles of interest and then read them in your archived collection of print newsletters at your leisure. As always, we welcome any feedback or suggestions you have for making our search engine—or anything else we offer—more useful and effective.

Published July 31, 2006

Malin, N. (2006, July 31). Improved Searching in BuildingGreen Suite. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/improved-searching-buildinggreen-suite

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