Product Review

Kohler's New High-Performance, Low-Flush Cimarron Toilet

A simple adjustment on the Cimarron toilet allows the flush volume to be adjusted down to 1.4 gpf (5.3 lpf), which the company projects will save approximately 2,000 gallons (7,600 l) per year. An etched line on the pilot valve float stem shows the 1.6 and 1.4 gpf levels, though the toilet can also be set to use even less—or more—water. Mike Chandler, marketing director of sanitary products for Kohler, told

EBN that while the toilet works very well with 1.4 gallons, they opted to provide the higher-flush option because of lingering concerns among plumbers and the public about flush effectiveness with low-flush toilets.

Published June 1, 2004

(2004, June 1). Kohler's New High-Performance, Low-Flush Cimarron Toilet. Retrieved from