Product Review

New Heat Mirror Glazing for Commercial Applications

Southwall Technologies, the producer of Heat Mirror low-emissivity (low-e) suspended film for windows, and Dow Corning, the leading producer of silicone sealants, announced on November 9, 2010 the availability of a new glazing system that will enable Heat Mirror to be used with structural sealant glazing systems in large commercial buildings. This opens the door to significantly better energy performance in heavily glazed curtainwall buildings. According to Ron Fillmore, vice president of construction for Dow Corning, “Structural sealant glazing has quickly grown to account for one-third of all commercial glazing.”

The new system combines Heat Mirror “S” (for “structural”) suspended film with a two-component Dow Corning silicone sealant that forms the secondary seal. John Meade, architectural products sales manager for Southwall Americas, explained to

Published November 24, 2010

Wilson, A. (2010, November 24). New Heat Mirror Glazing for Commercial Applications. Retrieved from