Product Review

Rainwater Harvesting: Standout Products in a Rising Market

As resilience becomes a greater focus, the market for rainwater harvesting systems and components is growing. The companies described here provide a good starting point.

Rainwater capture seems more important every year as one region or another struggles with drought or other reasons for water shortage—which can even be caused by flooding (see “Resilient Design: Smarter Building for a Turbulent Future”). For this product survey, we sifted through numerous articles and our product database as well as through purveyors of rainwater harvesting systems and equipment both nationally and internationally.

What follows is by no means a comprehensive list of systems and products in the rainwater harvesting field, but the aggregation of representative products should convey the breadth and growth of this industry in recent years. Not included are the simplest rain barrel systems.

Published May 31, 2012

Wilson, A. (2012, May 31). Rainwater Harvesting: Standout Products in a Rising Market. Retrieved from