News Brief
First Few EBDs Take Impact Declarations to the Building Scale
Lafarge, a concrete and cement company based in Canada, has published one of the first EBDs for its new research and development facility.
The EBD takes into account embodied impacts of all major building materials for core, shell, and interior partitions but excludes finishes, landscaping materials, furnishings, and mechanical or electrical equipment as well as the building’s projected operating energy and water consumption. Given this scope, the Lafarge building shows a total embodied global warming potential of 1,150,000 kg of CO2-equivalent over a 75-year service life (around the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 242 passenger vehicles).
Since precast concrete made up a significant part of the building, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to test what influence a greater percentage of fly ash content would have had on the LCA data; results of an increase of 10 kg/m3 of fly ash content was estimated to reduce global warming potential minimally (about 0.5%).
Lafarge will display a summary of its EBD onsite in the building’s lobby, which the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute—the organization commissioned to publish the EBD in compliance with the standard EN 15978—is calling “the future of how we talk about and validate green buildings.” Athena also published what is considered to be the first EBD in North America in June 2013 for Enermodal Engineering.
For more information:
Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
Published November 3, 2014 Permalink Citation
Pearson, C. (2014, November 3). First Few EBDs Take Impact Declarations to the Building Scale. Retrieved from
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