News Brief

Green Building Week Pushes “Building for Everyone”

WorldGBC centers green buildings’ impacts on people by aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has organized a week of events, September 12 through 16, 2022, broadcasting the ways in which green building supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The campaign is branded under the hashtag #buildingforeveryone.

Local Green Building Councils are hosting events throughout the world, as shown on this map. Green building advocates are encouraged to organize their own events, share examples of sustainable built environments via social media, and release their own research in the spirit of advocacy and awareness-raising.

 A central theme of the week is, “It’s time to put people back at the heart of the built environment,” according to WorldGBC. Pointing to green buildings as part of the solution, it cites the following statistics:

  • Under business-as-usual, 1.6 billion urban dwellers will be regularly exposed to extreme high temperatures by 2050.
  • More than 570 cities with more than 800 million residents will be vulnerable to rising sea levels and coastal flooding by 2050.
  • The global built environment accounts for 10% of employment and 50% of all wealth.

For more information:

World Green Building Week 2022

Published September 13, 2022

Pearson, C. (2022, September 13). Green Building Week Pushes “Building for Everyone”. Retrieved from

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