
More Details on Bamboo Flooring

Editor’s Note: In our survey of bamboo flooring products (EBN

Vol. 6, No. 10), we reported that K&M Bamboo Products, Inc. refused to provide details about their products. We have since received this communication from them, with documentation indicating that their products are indeed similar to most of the others in performance.Like the other manufacturers, our bamboo flooring is produced in the same manner, has the same general characteristics, and contains the same urea-formaldehydes. However, K & M’s bamboo flooring has VOC and formaldehyde emissions well below guidelines set by Ecologo (Canada), Nordic Ecolabelling (Sweden), and Blue Angel (Germany).

I have sent along a copy of our environmental statement, product specifications, and testing details. Unfortunately, at the time of your inquiry we had not completed the testing and we were concerned about negative publicity. We would like to correct this mistake.

Ian Jackson, General Manager

K & M Bamboo Products, Inc.

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Published February 1, 1998

(1998, February 1). More Details on Bamboo Flooring. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/more-details-bamboo-flooring

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