BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic

Hi Sustainable MEP Leaders!

As we discussed at the Summit, we are going to have monthly calls to check in and advance our various initiatives. Let's go with the 2nd Tuesday of the Month.

Please join if you can--we have a lot to follow up on! (See the report I posted earlier this week for details.)

Thanks, and have a great... Read more

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars

Concrete and other cementitious materials have both environmental advantages and disadvantages. As builders and designers, should we be looking for alternatives or embracing concrete over competing materials?

This special report takes a look at how these materials are made, presents the key environmental considerations relating to their... Read more

Working Group

Forum topic

Hi Sustainability Leaders,

(Note: this post was edited to correct Jen's affiliation and to add Rob Winstead.) Please join me and the BuildingGreen team in congratulating the Peer Network members of the USGBC 2023 Class of LEED Fellows!

Geoffrey Brock, IPS-Integrated Project Services, SCL

Heather DeGrella, Opsis... Read more

Basic page

We are no longer accepting reservations for the SCL Summit 2019.

Forum topic

I'm in search of anyone who's done a LEED ACP Pilot Credit. It's unclear to me whether using one of these pathways replaces the way the base prereq or credit would function in the rating system being used by a project seeking certification or if it's a strategy to achieve Innovation in Design credits only. The documentation I've been able to... Read more

Forum topic

Hi all - we have several projects where money from the IRA may be able to get projects farther. I've seen the AIA/USGBC webinar and done some other research as well. Does anyone know if there's a Higher Ed group that is chasing down how and when the money is available and for what exact purposes? Are you planning on using consultants to help... Read more

PN Team


Welcome to the quiz portion of Mind the Gaps: Making Existing Buildings More Airtight!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

Identify key performance problems related to leaky building enclosures.

Examine the benefits of making existing buildings more airtight, such as... Read more

Forum topic

Hi folks,

I’m sure most of you know Gail Brager, or at least know of her. For those who don’t, she helps run UC Berkeley’s Center for the Built Environment and is a long-time champion of all the things that make buildings work for their occupants. Perhaps most notably, she was a co-author of the Adaptive Thermal Comfort option in ASHRAE... Read more

Forum topic

Hello Green Gurus,

Our next Peer Networks webinar is coming up in just two weeks! We’ll hear from the Indoor Air Quality Working Group, authors of the recently published whitepaper “Considerations for Continuous Air Quality Monitoring: Simple tips for getting it right, according to IAQ consultants”.

More details will be available... Read more

Forum topic

Hello Colleagues,

You all know our industry’s progress over the past decade related to the impact of materials. We have come a long way. Today we have over 110 firms that have signed onto the A&D Materials Pledge, pledging to a holistic approach to materials considering: Human Health, Climate Health, Ecosystem Health, Social Health... Read more


RoseAnn’s role at BuildingGreen as Peer Networks Manager focuses on Peer Networks projects and planning events, including annual Peer Network Summits. 

Prior to BuildingGreen, RoseAnn worked in the nonprofit sector in customer-service based roles which allowed her to reconnect with her local community soon after earning her... Read more

Forum topic

...for all the folks on the west coast.

It’s smokey out there. For anyone looking for a cheap and relatively effective way to clean your indoor air, here is an article on a DIY box fan filters.

This PSA is from our friends at NEEA (... Read more

Forum topic

The Winter Summit participants have had this for a few weeks now, and no one has screamed about anything being inaccurate, misleading, or too revealing, so it's time to share the latest Summit report more widely. 

Per our long-standing policy, this report can be shared outside our "safe space"--it's a great way to share the wealth of... Read more

Forum topic

I'm exploring the use of phase change material for a project. Specifically, looking at the BioPCM/ENRG Blanket product. I see on their website that ZGF used it at University of Washington. I'd love to hear any feedback from folks who have used it, and more specifically how your energy model and MEP engineer accounted for it. Thanks!! https://... Read more

Product Guide

Standard HVAC systems require large fans and ductwork to move conditioned air throughout a building, which wastes energy and building space.

BuildingGreen-Approved Chilled Beams

BuildingGreen lists chilled beams that rely on water and smaller ducts to provide HVAC throughout a building.

Performance and Health Considerations... Read more

Forum topic

Hi All,

I wanted to share a program of superstars including many of you.  I look forward to electronically connecting and learning together.

Every Monday from June through August, the Boston Society for Architecture (BSA) and the Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) Boston Hub will present Embodied Carbon 101, a 12-part program series in... Read more

Forum topic

A couple questions for this group. I know we're having a Green Commons meeting on this next week. But can anyone comment on the following questions?

-Have you or your firm split the benefit of the 179D with a client? Is this typical?

-Is prevailing wage a requirement for all 179D benefit, or does it follow the same lines as... Read more

Peer Networks

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