BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic


Our firm has been struggling to find carbon reduction strategies for concrete that move us beyond a fly ash only approach. Frankly, the knowledge just isn't there internally or with our consultants. We've known that there are a few folks out there that have a deep bag of tricks, but we haven't had the chance to work with them... Read more

Forum topic

Hello friends. For the past two years, we at EHDD have been building a low-carbon design tool to support carbon neutral design at the earliest phases of building projects. Today, the Early Phase Integrated Carbon Assessment (EPIC) is ready for public launch! Many of you have been part of our closed beta test, and today we’re happy to open the... Read more

Product Guide

There are a number of clear finish options available, from natural oils and low-toxicity products primarily used on residential woodwork through factory-applied finishes where specific aesthetics and/or added durability are required (such as those used on cabinetry or commercial architectural millwork). Many of these have very high VOC levels,... Read more

Peer Networks

Welcome to the 13th Annual Sustainable Design Leaders Summit!

This year’s Summit will be virtual. While we’d prefer to be in-person, of course, we have lots of ideas and strategies for making the online event collaborative and engaging. You might be surprised by what’s possible. As always, the agenda will be set by you, the participants. What... Read more

Forum topic


Forum topic

Hello everyone,

Here's a reminder that our next monthly call will be taking place next Tuesday, October 8th at 2:00pm EST.

Please feel free to join us!

Join Zoom Meeting - I double-checked this link and it is correct!

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,248664490# US (San Jose)... Read more

Forum topic

Sustainable Design Leaders in NYC

New York City has been discussing implementing PACE Financing for years but has not taken action. Over 48 municipalities in New York State have PACE financing for Commercial (including multi-family) properties, it's time NYC does as well. I recently learned from colleagues in the City that all of the... Read more

Forum topic

Greetings Sustainable Design Leaders,

As we begin closing out 2021, we wanted to give you a quick update that the next SDL Salary Survey will be coming to you in early January! The BuildingGreen team and SDL Steering Group have been busy this past month polishing up the questions for this anonymous survey.

A reminder of the... Read more

Forum topic

For those of you that attended Greenbuild this year you may have heard about the Legacy project taken on by the USGBCMA Chapter. The winning project was The Green Building Tech Club at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. The USGBCMA Chapter recently reached out to me and asked if Structure Tone would take on an intern this summer,... Read more

Forum topic

Like everyone we’re struggling with the tight labor market. We’re not looking to poach. What we have found previously are individuals that have a passion for high-performance buildings but aren’t working on them in their current role for one reason or another.

Openings include:

Project Manager              3-5 years’ experience on... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

A couple questions for this group. I know we're having a Green Commons meeting on this next week. But can anyone comment on the following questions?

-Have you or your firm split the benefit of the 179D with a client? Is this typical?

-Is prevailing wage a requirement for all 179D benefit, or does it follow the same lines as... Read more


Buck Dodgers

Forum topic

Greetings, all SDL members who will be attending the AIA Minnesota conference November 8-11, including some who may be attending Nadav and Gwen's workshop on Tuesday November 8th! I'm organizing a meetup in downtown Minneapolis for SDL/Green Gurus folks. It will take place Monday, November 7th at around 6pm. Let me know if you are interested by... Read more

Forum topic

Hello fellow SCLers,

Last year I was approached by Green Advantage, remember them from like 2005? There has been a LEED innovation credit for as long as I can remember.

Has anyone employed Green Advantage recently? Is anyone asking for it? Do clients pay for the training, is it an investment by your company, and/or a cost passed... Read more

Forum topic

Sign up now to roll up your sleeves and have fun solving real problems! April 28 from 3-5pm ET


Building deconstruction, or disassembly, is a critical strategy for carbon reduction, minimizing waste & contributing to a circular economy, yet remains a serious challenge for many reasons.

Many... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Changing Building Design Priorities for a Changing Electrical Grid!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

Define a “Highly Variable Renewable Energy” generation asset, or VRE, and understand how VREs can most effectively contribute to the... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

Hi friends! Despite thinking I had joined this forum on Day 1 - I hadn't! Just a quick hello and great to join you all. For anyone I don't yet know - my key focus through Sustainable Performance Institute is in helping companies institutionalize sustainability in their culture, systems and processes and helping them embark on a path of... Read more