BuildingGreen Report

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I wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss this fun event.  We can all use some fun right now.

Built Environment Plus is celebrating the arrival of spring with a fun competition to get people out and about safely. A digital Scavenger Hunt will allow teams of 4 (or larger families) to complete a series of photo, video, and text missions... Read more

Basic page

We’re happy to have you on board! Your BuildingGreen Team is now available for setup.

Go to your profile, where you will find the TEAM MANAGEMENT section in the left side bar. Click on Team Members.


You can invite up to 9 more colleagues for a 10-person team to start their Premium Subscriber access through the Team.... Read more

Forum topic

Has anyone had any success with achieving the LEED Building Envelope commissioning points with an alternative compliance path using the requirements of the PHIUS verifier? It seems like an unnecessary duplication to ask the client to pay for a BECx agent and a Passive House verifier. Or am I missing something? I can't find any LEED... Read more

Forum topic

Hello friends in the construction group!

I am advising an owner on a huge redevelopment project and - we are of course looking at carbon/embodied carbon from a design perspective - but I remember hearing some of you talking about how you are addressing emissions during construction (including both recommendations related to specific... Read more

Team Group

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars

Currently not for sale, being updated and re-released in November 2021.

New Guide to Thermal Insulation Report

The BuildingGreen Guide to Insulation provides detailed guidance on insulation products and practices, including cost comparisons and detailed recommendations on what insulation to use, and what to avoid. It's a treasure trove... Read more


Forum topic


Our CM recently offered up the possibility of substituting Pozzotive into our structural and paving concrete mix ( on a large public building. Apparently it is on a level with the cost of standard cement.
We are eager to reduce the project's embodied carbon, and this seems almost too good to be true.

... Read more

PN Team

Rand Ekman is the contact person for this team. (12/4/23)

News Analysis

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Your annual membership will automatically renew on 5/25/2016 (cancel auto-renew)


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I opened IE11 (Internet Explorer 11) today, and saw a message indicating IE11 will be retired June 15th, 2022. While I have no personal attachment to IE11, it was the only internet browser I could consistantly get to open LEED Online credit templates on the actual website. 

Has anyone found another way to be able to fill out LEED credit... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Why High-Performance Assemblies and Why Now? (recorded webcast)

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Understand how water moves on and through buildings.
2. Describe the details of continuous air, water, and thermal barriers and... Read more

Forum topic

Hi all,

We have an institutional client who has tired of LEED and is instead putting forth EarthCraft Light Commerical as a replacement certification (they like the performance verification & lower cost that ECLC provides).  Has anyone used ECLC? It seemed an odd choice but wanted to hear from others on their experiences. The... Read more

Forum topic

At the request of the SCL group, here's the SCL Salary Survey! 

There is a link at the end of the SurveyMonkey Survey to a Google form where you will be able to register that you completed the survey—that way we’ll know who participated without having any identifying info in the actual survey. Results will be shared with those who... Read more

Forum topic

Can anyone suggest a recruiter that knows the trick to finding MEP talent that is passionate about sustainability? It would be much appreciated.


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Show & Tell Breakout. Presentations:

Lessons learned from our Hopeworks Affordable Housing Project seeking LBC Petal Certification Optimize Solar Plugload and Power over Ethernet.

Forum topic

I was recently asked if there is a way to quantify financially what one MT eCO2 might be worth in the context of a building owner reducing their own carbon emissions.  How do you put a dollar value on those reductions?  Does anyone have experience with that or can you point me to the correct resource to answer this question?

Forum topic

Apologies if some of you are seeing this for the second time - on behalf of Frances Yang, Mike Gryniuk and the Carbon Leadership Forum, consider signing on in support of the SE 2050 Challenge for structural engineers. (Yes, there is an option to sign on as a non-structural engineer, in support of the program.)

http://... Read more