BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic

You know all those times when you want to reply privately to someone, but don't have their email address handy? What a pain, right? 

Not anymore! Now you can go to the "Group Members" tab on the BuildingGreen Communities forum page, and hover over anyone's name to see their email address. 

Only members of the forum can see your... Read more

Forum topic

Hey there hive mind,

We went looking through LEEDuser to try and find some direction and didn't find much so I thought I'd bring my team's question here to all of you smart people. We're working on a non-combustion central plant tied to a geothermal field and grid electricity. The project has cooling towers and their associated chemical... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Solar Thermal Hot Water, Heating, and Cooling.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Explain active and passive; direct and indirect; and low-, medium-, and high-temperature solar thermal systems.
2. Distinguish between the three most... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

World: There is no way we can shut down in order to lower emissions, slow climate change and protect the environment.

Mother Nature: Here's a virus. Practice.

Who is measuring the positive environmental impact our actions are having on the environment? 

For example, there have been reductions in air pollution. If the... Read more

Firm-wide Group

Forum topic


Back again re: the work we're doing with City of Cambridge, in their great leadership efforts to develop EC policy/regs/incentives and reporting requirements.

Thanks to those who responded earlier about the effort it takes you to conduct WBLCA - now we're diving into it in more depth and wanting to get together a focus... Read more

Forum topic

Are any of you working on projects that are pursuing the additional point for Indoor Water Use Reduction on a HC project via Table 4 Compliant laboratory and medical equipment? If so, what sterilizers are the projects using?

We are receiving pushback that the Sterilizer metric doesn't make sense. I am interested in any insight or a... Read more

Forum topic

Happy 2021 Green Gurus,

BuildingGreen has some New Years news to share with you all!

Announcing an addition to the Peer Networks family, we are excited to be launching the Sustainable Community Design Leaders (SCDL) Peer Network!

The SCLD peers are planners, architects, landscape architects, and other professionals at... Read more

Forum topic

Welcome to 2030 reporting season!

I brought up on the Fika today that there is a webinar December 5th to show updates to the DDx including the calculation of operational carbon from your energy data.  Below is a link to register.

Campus-wide Group

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars

The site license permits the purchaser to share the PDF Guide file within their company/organization and post it on their intranet. Site licenses do not include the CEU quiz.​ If multiple individuals in your organization would like to access the CEU accredited quiz, please purchase individual copies.

The sheer number of... Read more

Forum topic

Notes and Guiding questions here--please add your own!

2030 Commitment Check-In: Is it leading to more awareness and better outcomes on projects?

Is energy modeling and tracking going to get us to zero by 2030?

Is it effective at driving all projects across a portfolio?

What are firms getting out of reporting... Read more

Forum topic

Good morning SALs! Nicole's survey on restrooms inspired me to post a survey of my own.

I’ve been trying to stay useful lately. I've been posting new writing on the industry, much of it complimentary, over on Roberts’ Green Letter. (Yesterday I posted the mission statement, explained via brand-new-puppy pics.)

I have a 1-minute... Read more

Forum topic

Hello everyone,

Here's a reminder that our next monthly call will be taking place next Tuesday, September 10th at 2:00pm EST.

Please feel free to join us!

Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of How to Succeed with the Living Building Challenge: 12 Teams Share Tips.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Prepare for LBC imperatives.
2. Structure an LBC process around absolute goals, with proactive leadership and follow-through... Read more

Peer Network Event

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

As you may know the ICC has changed the way the IECC will be written in the future and most of us think that will reduce the stringency of the future energy codes that are the biggest lever in the fight against climate change within the buildings sector.

So one of the best pathways forward is via ASHRAE, which has a... Read more


Nancy Eve Cohen is the managing editor at BuildingGreen. She brings the highest standards to her work, with the goal of providing trusted and accurate information and analysis for BuildingGreen’s readers.

Previously she worked in public radio as a reporter and editor for more than two decades, where she specialized in environmental... Read more