BuildingGreen Report

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Building a revolution, one commitment at a time.

Contractors have power.

We hold the checkbook for purchasing products and materials. We also reign over the jobsite—how much it pollutes air, soil, and water; how much landfill waste it produces; and how effectively workers do their part to advance high performance.

Are we... Read more

Forum topic

Hello Green Gurus!

We have some exciting details for the next All Peer Networks webinar on Design Agency & Civic Engagement: Building Sustainable Communities.

REGISTER HERE - Hope to see you there!

Design Agency & Civic Engagement: Building Sustainable Communities
June 25th, 2020
3pm - 4pm ET (Noon - 1pm... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of The PVC Debate: A Fresh Look

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Catalog the history of PVC in the building industry.
2. Recount the connections between PVC and chlorine, dioxins, mercury, and vinyl chloride.
3. Explain the... Read more

Team Group


Welcome to the quiz portion of How Buildings Fail Their Users!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

Explain the importance of finding common ground between a client’s project goals and the project team’s sustainability building goals for successful projects that incorporate... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Peer Networks

  This Bay Area Mini-Summit will, first off, provide a chance for us to reconnect in person with opportunities for networking and getting (re)acquainted within and across our networks. See here for Covid protocols and other information (will be kept up to date with the latest details).
  We’ll start with a Show & Tell: each of you will... Read more

Firm-wide Group

Forum topic

Congratulations to Jill Kurtz for her Building Design + Construction 40 Under 40 award! A much deserved recognition.

Meet the 40 Under 40 class of 2021 | Building Design + Construction (

Forum topic

It's official!

see you in June!

Mary Ann

Forum topic

Hi Green Gurus,

We are convening our first Regional Coordinators quarterly call Thursday, July 21 2-3pm ET (11am-12pm PT). Anyone who might be interested in this role is welcome to join. We’ll give you more specifics, answer any questions, and create our list of representatives for each region. We’ll finish by looking ahead at what to... Read more

Forum topic

The BE+ Annual Sustainability Scavenger Hunt is kicking off tonight/tomorrow or whenever you can join!

Anyone can join from anywhere, and participate as much or as little as you want.The missions are shared on the Goosechase App which is really easy to use and fun to see all of the other teams submissions. 

Our office had four... Read more

Forum topic

Hi All,

In case you haven't been following State news lately, Massachusetts has a pretty major climate bill on the Governor's desk right now.  He has through tomorrow to either sign or veto it.  There's a ton of support from the bill from advocate groups.  MA AIA and the BSA both wrote letters to the Governor in support.  This only... Read more

Product Guide

CEUs are available for reading all the building-envelope product guides and primer. Click here to learn more and take the quiz.

Vapor retarders are meant to protect our building assemblies from getting wet, but they can also slow drying, contributing to mold and structural degradation.

BuildingGreen-Approved Vapor Retarders... Read more

Forum topic

Have any of you come across aqueous ozone product for hand sanitation?

This company is selling to hospitals/schools.  May indeed be awesome, but so many "totally safe" products are proven not to be. Curious if this group has seen it or have looked at it's claims.

Forum topic

I know we have talked about this on various calls, so I wanted to post in case anyone hasn't seen that the IRS has provided an update with rules on how to access the direct pay option.

Forum topic

Allison Mears at Parsons asked me to share this.  Several folks on this list participated in these recordings.  The courses are comprehensive.

Parsons Healthy Materials Lab has created a series of online learning courses specifically designed for professionals like you, dedicated to making the built environment the best (and healthiest... Read more

Forum topic

We are working on a Core & Shell project with a developer that we work with frequently. I'm looking for advice on best approaches to achieving the Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment credit- we haven't used TALLY and done this type of analysis before. What are some approaches to achieving this credit that others have found successful? I... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of The BuildingGreen Guide to Insulation!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss how insulation works to increase the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of buildings; 
2. Explain why certain materials make more sense than... Read more