BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic

Hello. Has anyone tackled "tracking emissions from all company-purchased cloud computing" yet? This is in the best category for CC 2.0 and wanted to ask.

How "deep" did you go? 

This was an interesting read, but still left me a little confused about how far I need to go and even what questions to ask: Read more

Forum topic

Hello Sustainable Construction Leaders!

Here at BuildingGreen we are excited and looking forward to creating a valuable and engaging online summit with you all for 2020! In addition to going online, this year we have shifted the dates so that the SCL Summit will occur within weeks of all other Peer Network Summits. This allows us to host... Read more

Forum topic


I will be in NYC for Regenerative Metropolis event at the end of Climate Week NYC. Is anyone else going to Climate Week? Did any events seem particularly worth attending? I've not been before but the only thing I've signed up to is the Nature-Inspired Solutions for a Sustainable Future on Wednesday night at COOKFOX.

Forum topic

Has anyone here found an alternative to XPS for the void former?

A structural engineering contact was included in recent conversations about embodied carbon in insulation materials and brought to our attention that this is a common use for XPS that has nothing to do with its insulating properties. It is typically used where concrete is... Read more

Forum topic

Have you ever been accused of being "self-righteous," or "judgemental" in your role as and SDL? Anyone have tips and tricks to avoid this trap? 


Welcome to the quiz portion of LEED 2009: The Missing Manual.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Stay abreast of changes to LEED NC-2009.
2. Understand the more ambiguous aspects of LEED NC-2009.
3. Explain key interpretations of LEED NC-2009.
4.... Read more

Peer Networks

Get SCL membership at a discount

Since your firm already has two active SCL network members paying full price, BuildingGreen is offering additional members a discounted rate of $150.


BuildingGreen’s Sustainable Construction Leaders peer network brings together the best and most committed sustainable construction practitioners in... Read more

Forum topic

Hi All,

The National Architectural Accrediting Board is currently undergoing review and revision of its “Conditions for Accreditation and Procedures for Accreditation.”

I recently attended the 2019 Reynolds Symposium: Education by Design, hosted by the University of Oregon in Portland. At the Symposium, a group of 100... Read more

Basic page

We are no longer accepting reservations for the SDL Summer Summit 2020.

Campus-wide Group

Product Guide

An elevator system can account for 4%–10% of a building's electric energy load, without considering impacts on heating and cooling. Conventional finishes are also common.

BuildingGreen-Approved Systems

We approve the most efficient tension elevators from leading manufacturers, including models that incorporate:

regenerative... Read more

Forum topic


Metropolis magazine asked me to write a long piece about the current state of post-occupancy studies. I'm wrestling with whether to do it and how to approach it, but it would be helpful to hear your thoughts on the following--

--importance of the topic

--typical and atypical approaches and criteria

--examples... Read more

Forum topic

Greetings Sustainable Construction Leaders,

As we begin closing out 2021, we wanted to give you a quick update that the next SCL Salary Survey will be coming to you in early January! The BuildingGreen team and SCL Steering Group have been busy this past month polishing up the questions for this anonymous survey.

A reminder of the... Read more

Forum topic

Team SCL,

This was a tough week. My husband coined a phrase "20% laid off."

Unfortunately, 50% of our business is currently impacted by governmental orders stating that our work is non-essential. This is bitter-sweet. I certainly want people to be safe, but we've had to make some tough decisions and in the geographies that were... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

I'm loving the winning projects this year--congratulations to everyone who participated in making them so great! 

(In case you missed the announcement, here's our slideshow on BuildingGreen, and here are the winners with all the details on
