BuildingGreen Report


B-Boy Newsy

Product Guide

Conventional overhead air distribution systems rely on energy-intensive air mixing, but underfloor systems take advantage of natural convection and stratification.

BuildingGreen-Approved Access Flooring Products

We list access flooring products that are specially designed to facilitate effective, energy-efficient underfloor air... Read more

Forum topic

Hi all, 

I'm excited to announce that LHB (my 250-person multidisciplinary firm located in Minnesota and Wisconsin) is hiring a full-time Regenerative Design Leader. I thought this might be helpful for those of you looking for example job descriptions for your own postings, or if you are looking to make a move (we do have an office in... Read more

Forum topic

I wanted to share news of a pledge intiated by the US Government Health and Human Services to reduce healthcare sector emissions. It was announced on Earth Day 2022. The pledge is part of the US's efforts to meet commitments made at COP26. I highly recommend watching the webinar to hear more of the pledge's nuance.

The voluntary pledge... Read more

Forum topic

This just in from Berkeley Earth. The definitive report on 2023 global temperatures. Lots of incredible graphs to peruse but the news is pretty incredible. Actual temperatures far surpassed predictions. "At the start of 2023, we foresaw only a 14% chance that 2023 would become a record warm year, and only a ~1% chance that 2023 would reach 1.5... Read more

Forum topic

Hey All,

I just received this from AIA MA. How fantastic would it to have a bunch of Green Gurus on the ICC Development Team! Is anyone on here already on it?

From AIA MA:
The International Code Council (ICC) is now accepting applications to serve on the Code Development Committees to develop the 2024 editions of the... Read more

Forum topic

Hi, all. We missed you at the standing check in today. We have a couple of questions for the BG team:

1. What is the timing criteria you need for Best Practice content? We need to back into a deadline on submissions and believe your critical path timing will help define ours.

2. Can you elaborate on what LEED User/BG content may... Read more

Forum topic

Does anyone up here do or have familiarity with anyone who regularly does NEPA EIS? If you need a definition for the acronym, please see here: I've been asked if I know anything about it, to which the answer is no, but I'd like to get smarter about it and I'm hoping... Read more

Forum topic

Hi SDLers! I hope early fall is finding you well.

There is a current opportunity to make a difference in the campaign to reduce use of toxic flame retardants.

Arlene Blum and the Green Science Policy Institute, whom many of you know, are currently organizing a campaign of support for the CA State Fire Marshal's proposal to allow... Read more

Team Group

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

I’d like to invite you to join this Friday’s webinar hosted by the Embodied Carbon Network: Using Whole Building LCA to Reduce Embodied Carbon within LEED and Beyond, and to follow up with a tool that I presented at this summer’s Architecture SDL summit, which ZGF has now upgraded and made free to the industry at large.... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Building as an Organism: Understanding the Integrative Process Credit in LEED v4 Projects (recorded webcast)

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

1. Explain why integrative design is the key to cost-effective, high performance green buildings and LEED... Read more

Product Guide

More sustainable forms of transportation are a key component of green building design and resilient communities.

BuildingGreen-Approved Bike Storage

BuildingGreen approves bike racks that offer security, integrated weather protection, or efficient use of space. Some products may also feature recycled content or powder-coated finishes.... Read more

Forum topic

What thoughts do you have? What have others said that you feel we want to capture?

The Vision Vacuum: What’s driving environmental and social progress in architecture today? What should be driving it, and where should we be going?

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars


HPBA Control Layers – It’s in the details Tue, Sep 11, 2018 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT)

Why high-performance assemblies? And why now? Today we demand better thermal performance from our building assemblies than ever. But higher performance... Read more

Basic page

Building a revolution, one commitment at a time.

Contractors have power.

We hold the checkbook for purchasing products and materials. We also reign over the jobsite—how much it pollutes air, soil, and water; how much landfill waste it produces; and how effectively workers do their part to advance high performance.

Are we... Read more

Forum topic


It's my first time posting in the SCL group, as a somewhat new member. I'm grateful for any input you can provide to me!

My company, Nibbi Brothers, is currently brainstorming how to roll out an EV incentive program to employees. We recently polled our staff to get a general idea of where they stood with EV in terms of... Read more

Forum topic

Help regarding below...

OSHA, see below link, suggests 6' social distancing for unvaccinated or at-risk workers.

Is your office going to maintain 6' social distancing for your workers?   Is the reason above because there are unvaccinated or at-risk workers?... Read more

Forum topic

Hi everyone -

I'm writing to conduct an informal (and unscientific) poll about the green certifications achieved by office spaces (main or branch) for Green Gurus firms. SERA is preparing to embark on the journey of finding, designing and inhabiting new office space, and we're interested to hear and learn from your experiences,... Read more