BuildingGreen Report

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

I wanted to share some thoughts from Brenda Stanfield about the Design for Freedom conference and the work that she is doing to fight the difficult problem of forced and child labor in construction materials.I feel like it is a step up from the LEED social justice pilot credits, which are a great start. Hopefully it helps you in your work. I am... Read more

Forum topic

Lake|Flato developed a project process road map as an internal project management tool over a decade ago, and we're looking into updating it.  It serves as a sort of "checklist" of major design, sustainability, and QA/QC milestones for each project phase.  I know we've talked about similar tools at other firms at past SDL summits, so wanted to... Read more

Forum topic

Seeking Pros/Cons, Feedback/Commentary about signing the US Architects Declare Commitment.

Reviewing against the "shoulds" and "shalls" of the 2020 AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct ... and other commitments that are out there ... any feedback welcome.

Tips for how your workflow... Read more

Forum topic

Hello - I have met several of you virtually over the last couple years. My name is Megan Zack and I am excited to share that I have changed positions and will be the Cheif Sustainabilty Officer at Wight & Company. After spending the last 20 years working as an architect with a small percentage of my time dedicated to sustainabilty, I'll be... Read more

Product Guide

As with window and glazing products, the energy performance of skylights and roof windows varies greatly among different products and should be carefully considered.

BuildingGreen-Approved Skylights

BuildingGreen approves products that feature advanced thermally broken frames that dramatically reduce thermal bridging and improve... Read more

Forum topic

It’s here! By popular demand we’re re-running the SDL Salary Survey that we last ran in 2015. 

This is for people who are currently in an SD Leader role at a firm. We’re sending this invitation out on both the Green Gurus and the SD Leaders forums, because some of you are still in transition and haven’t moved into the SD Leader forum yet... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

At the start of 2021 there was one signatory to the contractors commitment (thanks Leopardo!).  Today, there are 12 companies participating, representing over $24 Billion in total revenue.

We don’t always give ourselves enough credit or take enough time to savor our accomplishments because there is always more to do.  But, this is a big... Read more


Amal June Polt

Forum topic

Hello all,

I've been in communication with a few of you already, but for those who don't know me - my name is Jen and I'm a new member of the BuildingGreen team helping out with the Peer Networks. I've already been learning a lot, and I'm looking forward to getting to know the SDL Network and its members better!

Here are the... Read more

Forum topic

Hi folks,

I hope you're all doing well, despite the heat (thermal, political, social...ugh!).

We've had low turnout on the SAL monthly calls lately; it seems that these aren't a high priority for many of you. That's not necessarily a problem, if you're finding value in being in the network for other reasons, that's fine.

We... Read more

Basic page

Forum topic

You know all those times when you want to reply privately to someone, but don't have their email address handy? What a pain, right? 

Not anymore! Now you can go to the "Group Members" tab on the BuildingGreen Communities forum page, and hover over anyone's name to see their email address. 

Only members of the forum can see your... Read more

Forum topic

I have a request from an Architecture firm to do a Fitwel Core and Shell certification.  I don't do that type of thing - anybody out there interested in this type of work?

Respond here or just email at me

Forum topic


I imagine you've already considered this, but I wanted to mention it before you cross the point of no return...

The name "BIT Building" has the potential to be misunderstood out of context because it sounds like it has something to do with Bitcoin.  I don't think this is a huge problem, but you may want to evaluate the risk... Read more

Firm-wide Group


Welcome to the quiz portion of How to Spot Greenwash--A BuildingGreen Webinar.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. Understand the characteristics of quality standards and certifications to help screen out greenwash.
2. Recognize strengths and weaknesses of... Read more

Forum topic

Hello Sustainable Construction Leaders!

Here at BuildingGreen we are excited and looking forward to creating a valuable and engaging online summit with you all for 2020! In addition to going online, this year we have shifted the dates so that the SCL Summit will occur within weeks of all other Peer Network Summits. This allows us to host... Read more