BuildingGreen Report

Firm-wide Group

Forum topic

Big news! It’s being announced today that the amazing Lindsay Baker will be ILFI’s new CEO—she’s starting the job next week.

Lindsay is talking about bringing a new focus on advocacy work to ILFI—she had been working on setting up a new organization for that purpose when ILFI recruited her. And she’ll have her hands full figuring out... Read more

Forum topic

My name is Douglas Flandro. I am the sustainable design leader at CambridgeSeven in Cambridge, MA. I started my career in film and theater design. I moved into museum exhibit design with a graduate degree in interior architecture at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2003. I still design museum exhibits for science museums, nature visitor... Read more

Forum topic


This is not my area of expertise but our contactor has suggested central heat pump hot water (CHPHW) is $1m more expensive than gas fired domestic hot water for a 150 unit multi-family residential building in Massachusetts. The Building Decarbonization Practice Guide is extremely helpful but, from their comments, it is all coming... Read more

Forum topic

Hello SCL,

We are getting back to our usual schedule of a pre-Greenbuild SCL Summit. We will be opening registration and announcing topics shortly. In the meantime, please pencil us into your calendar.

Date: September 25, 2023

Location: ZGF Architecture 600 14th St NW #800, Washington, DC 20005

Time: Soft start at... Read more

Forum topic

I'm looking to compile an outdoor weather station for a local project, and we'd like to add local outdoor CO2 information to our data. I usually work with Onset HOBO products, but they don't offer an outdoor CO2 sensor. Their weather stations can take data from any CO2 sensor with an analog output - does anyone have any suggestions?

Forum topic

Hi Gurus!

This query just came from GSA via the Large Firm Roundtable. It seems that one way we can help is simply to route this to the best concrete and asphalt suppliers we know of, so they can respond.  

Can you pass on some information to the large firms sustainability roundtable? GSA, and the White House, just announced new... Read more

Forum topic


We are collecting examples of buildings that involved electrification initiatives (building does not need to be all electric as long as largely electric). Please share your projects with us through this short survey. It will take 8-10min to complete.

The study will culminate into a report and best practices to advocate for... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Lighting Design for Health and Sustainability: A Guide for Architects​!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

Describe how high-quality lighting design dovetails with sustainability by improving energy efficiency and supporting occupant health and... Read more

Forum topic


Through AIA work I have been working with Kim Shinn from TLC Engineering. Kim is involved on the ASHRAE 209 development and has been advocating that the AIA, ASHRAE and USGBC align around this standard. Personally I think this is a good idea as I expect that this standard could easily make it's way into regulations and contracts... Read more

Forum topic

We have an increasing number of projects, where the client is coming to us with "net zero" aspirations and plans, some of which don't fit the typical all-electric, grid-tied building that produces 100%+ of its annual energy use on-site.  There include examples like:

1) A (targetd) living building that maximizes on-site production, with... Read more



Welcome to the quiz portion of The BuildingGreen Guide to Insulation!

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss how insulation works to increase the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of buildings; 
2. Explain why certain materials make more sense than... Read more


Andrea first became familiar with BuildingGreen in 2010 when she and her husband moved to Vermont and built their own passive house from the ground up. BuildingGreen’s president Nadav Malin heard about the project and asked if the staff could take a tour, and the rest is history. She joined the BuildingGreen team part-time in 2011 to work on... Read more

Forum topic

The Water Sub-Group met today. This group is working on three items: 

1. Project Water Plan Template

2. Project Water Tracking Form Template

3. Research and Resources Document

The Meeting minutes are attached. The next meeting is 5/19/20 @ 2:30 PM CST, via webex and teleconference.  Please contact me if you would... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

Hello everyone!

My role at Sundt Construction is both a Preconstruction Project Manager, and Chairman of the company's sustainability committee. I've been involved in green building since 2001 and have been in leadership roles in both the Arizona and Minnesota USGBC Chapters. I look forward to being an active member of this group.... Read more

Forum topic

Hello SCL, 

If you didn't attend last week's SCL Summit, then I'll sum up one of the major takeaways: SCL members NEED TO COMMENT ON LEEDV5. The stakes are high, particularly around waste. 

Luckily, Amanda Kaminsky is making it easy for us. She has drafted a sample comment based on our discussion at the Summit. 

If you have... Read more