BuildingGreen Report

Forum topic

Hello friends in the construction group!

I am advising an owner on a huge redevelopment project and - we are of course looking at carbon/embodied carbon from a design perspective - but I remember hearing some of you talking about how you are addressing emissions during construction (including both recommendations related to specific... Read more

Forum topic


Our CM recently offered up the possibility of substituting Pozzotive into our structural and paving concrete mix ( on a large public building. Apparently it is on a level with the cost of standard cement.
We are eager to reduce the project's embodied carbon, and this seems almost too good to be true.

... Read more

Forum topic

Hi Everyone,

Who has worked on a SITES certification and can share the approximate hours involved for administering and completing documentation? A relative sense of the effort compared to LEED would also be helpful, similar to the thread about WELL on this same subject. 

Appreciate any insight. Thanks! -Hilary

Forum topic


Glad to see some of you at the COTE event at our studio last week.

Has anybody heard of this company and technology?

Thanks in advance, Zach

Zach Craun, WELL AP, LEED GA



250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

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Forum topic

We have a client for whom we are designing a very high performance manufacturing facility, and they want to communicate their building's performance both dynamically and in real-time within their lobby for guests and staff.

We would like to mine the wisdom of this group to see what recommendations we can muster regarding high quality... Read more


Welcome to the quiz portion of Exterior Paints: Long-Term Protection and Environmental Tradeoffs.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:


1. List the primary differences between alkyd and latex paints and stains and between wood, concrete, and metal primers.
2. Explain... Read more

Product Guide

Cabinets are often made from unsustainable wood bound with adhesives that offgas formaldehyde and finishes that have high emissions or contain PVC.

BuildingGreen-Approved Cabinetry

Approved residential cabinetry has:

Sustainably sourced wood or fiber—either salvaged or FSC certified and verification of low... Read more

Forum topic

Wondering if we can have a dialog on HVAC load calculation software... we are currently still using Trane Trace 700, but with the future migration to Trace 3D+ coming are looking into other options. Never used HAP but I haven't heard great things, and we dabbled in IES VE for a while, but went back to Trace since at that time there was no... Read more

Forum topic

Hi friends, 

Before i forget, here is the checklist I mentioned yesterday that got such a positive response in our office - again it came about after i was asked (for the Nth time) to write a sustainability description for a concept proposal/ RFP that I was not a part of and frankly didn't have a lot going for it. So it's framed as "you... Read more

Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting is an increasingly common expectation throughout financial sectors, and the real estate industry is no exception. 

This live webinar with our friend Chris Pyke, Ph.D., a senior vice president... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

Has anyone heard of floating solar technology? I can't think of an application other than covering power plant retention or agricultural waste lagoons. Covering up the sun on a natural body of water and adding electrical wiring seems like a bad idea. I am curious though if others have heard of this technology and have other (unbiased) ideas... Read more

Forum topic

ASHRAE 209 in all its glory has been uploaded. This will impact our architectural process, for better or worse, so we should embrace it and learn from it. The revised AIA Energy Modeling Design Guide (due out next year) has been timed to correspond roughly to 209 coming out and will include references to it. The first few energy modeling '... Read more

Forum topic

Following up something I mentioned at the summit - the EPA is hosting public comment webinars related to the IRA and construction. The first one seems particularly relevant, 3/2/23 from 2-3.30pm EST “Reducing Embodied GHG Emissions: Construction Materials Prioritization and Environmental Data Improvement”. Good opportunity to have our voices... Read more

Forum topic

I'm looking to compare using an electric tower crane vs a diesel generated tower crane.  I've got the average gallons/hour for the size of crane I'm looking at, but when I reached out to the crane manufacturers, they can only tell me what size electric supply I need to provide, not the kWh usage for the cranes.  I know that it varies depending... Read more

Forum topic

Hi All - as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) becomes increasingly prevalent, I'm trying to learn more about what types of requests for ESG-related information folks are actually receiving and what types of trainings on ESG would be most helpful.  Drilling down a bit, I'm curious as to how ESG data points are moving down the supply... Read more