BuildingGreen Report

Firm-wide Group

Forum topic

Hey, everyone! Many of you on this forum have probably already RSVP'ed but I wanted to put a plug out there for the happy hour event on the evening of November 2nd at our office in San Francisco.

The event is co-hosted by Architecture 2030 and national and local AIA COTE. There will be food, drinks, great people, and a chance to preview... Read more

Forum topic

Someone made a tombstone to mark Internet Explorer’s end-of-support date



Anne Hicks Harney, FAIA, has more than 30 years of experience, focusing on high-quality design imbued with a solid technical and sustainable foundation. At Long Green Specs, she provides sustainability-focused construction specifications and building material expertise to architectural firms across the country. She was chair of the AIA... Read more

Forum topic

Hi GG: Just wanted to make sure you know about a free webinar that Buildings & Cities and Carbon Leadership Forum are putting on:

Zero Carbon: Can Built Environment Education Deliver?

Monday 8 February 2021, 9 – 10 am PST

Details and registration through this site: Read more

Team Group

Forum topic

Hello all,

I need future weather files for a project. We are looking at three years, 2050, 2075, and 2095 using two climate change scenarios, low emissions, and high emissions. I have seen ARUP's Weathershift site that uses RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5. Are we assuming that 2.6 is not achievable? I would have used this as a low emissions scenario... Read more

Campus-wide Group

Forum topic

All - 

I know many of your firms do landscape design, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of a new and pretty impressive conceptual calculator to estimate the carbon impacts (emissions and sinks) of landscape design.  Developed by Pamela Conrad of CMG Landscape with grant support, Atelier 10 and an app developer, the tool allows you... Read more

Forum topic

Not to distract from Tanya's post, but we too have a new opening for a Sustainability Specialist in our Dallas office. If you know anyone...

Forum topic

Hi all, 

I'm posting this on behalf of Wyck Knox of our office. He can be reached at 

"I’m on the editorial board of the Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly, the only peer reviewed journal dedicated to sustainable K-12 schools. (

One of my tasks in that... Read more

Forum topic

Hi everyone,

We're still working to find the optimal time for the SDLS monthly call. We're now looking at the 4th Tuesday of the month. Please fill out this doodle poll to let us know which of these times work for you.

Thank you!


Forum topic

Hi folks,

We often hear from you with a suggestion of someone who would be great for the network, and a question about how to refer them. We've now made that easy, with three steps laid out in an Outreach Toolkit that's posted in the left margin of the Member Directory.

So, if you're thinking of someone to invite or come across... Read more

Product Guide

CEUs are available for reading all the building-envelope product guides and primer. Click here to learn more and take the quiz.

Conventional excavation practices can harm ecosystems, while improper foundation and slab drainage can allow water to build up and compromise the structure and integrity of the building.

... Read more

Forum topic

Hello SCL,

We've heard you ask for more ways to connect with your SCL peers. So, we are happy to announce that we will now be holding bi-monthly calls where the entire SCL network is invited. These calls will be limted to SCL members (with the exception of guest speakers) so please don't share the information with colleagues. 

The... Read more


Sustainability leadership has requested that you take this quiz to help assess sustainability literacy across the firm. Your own results will be presented to you at the end of the quiz but will not be shared with anyone else. Only aggregated, anonymized results will be available to others.

Please don’t do research to inform your... Read more

Forum topic

Hi all,

I am on the planning committee for the National Adaptation Forum, which is an excellent conference (this will be the 6th annual) that has relatively little representation from architecture and engineering audiences. Our municipal and agency clients, as well as private sector, tend to attend this conference for climate adaptation... Read more