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Image: Piranka

BuildingGreen Report
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Many of you saw this from BlackRock.
SOM, starting with London office, is drafting a letter to our MEP consultants, demanding and holding them accountable for climate change as a preference on consultants selection.
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Dear Colleagues:
If you are short on time, here is the executive summary:
Time to make healthy trouble and sign a petition today to the WHO to urge them to recommend the implementation of best practice healthy air guidelines in light of the recent studies showing a direct link between the spread of COVID-19 through aerosol... Read more
Forum topic
Love books? Want some inspiration? Join this Goodreads group with the following link... (this link will be active for 30 days so let me know if you get here late and need it again)
I set this up as "private" so I will need to approve you. Anyone will be... Read more
Forum topic
Hey all - sorry I won't be able to join our call today. I had a client request an emergency meeting today (boo) because corporate mandated that they eliminate fossil fuel use from all their buildings (yay!) by 2025 and they've got a project underway that needs to pivot quickly.
Had I been able to join, I wanted to share this in case... Read more
Forum topic
Following up on one of our conversations on the vision vacuum and sustainability beyond certifications, I would like to help facilitate an offline conversation with anyone working within their firm to use the AIA COTE measures as a guiding framework in their firms/projects. Attached are my slides on my first pass at thinking about this at Page... Read more
Forum topic
Greetings Gurus!! I'm super excited to invite you all to help each other :)
As many of you know, BuildingEase (a completely free tool!) has been born this year, the newest function we just launched is the Crowdsourcing function.
Crowdsourcing lets anyone contribute products to a public Material List (similar to an Outline Spec)... Read more
Forum topic
We are in the process of working with our ops people to figure out billability targets for my team. Something that may be useful is the firm survey that BG conducts before each retreat (See attached image). These are great, but it varies depending on which firms attend the retreat. Its also hard to tell (in some cases) which green dot is... Read more
Reports, Courses, Study Guides, Live Webinars
Are your clients asking you about wellness? You’re not alone. Employee health and wellbeing has been called the ‘second wave of sustainability.’ In this hour-long live webinar, GreenStep Education’s Alex Spilger will walk you through Fitwel certification,... Read more
Forum topic
Tomorrow is my last day at FXCollaborative before I head back to school. It has been such a gift to engage with you all over the past 10 years. Please stay in touch - my contact information is I am headed out to UBC next week to do a deep dive into resilience and adaptation in urban environments.
FXCollaborative... Read more
Forum topic
Sasaki seeks a Sustainability Coordinator for Planning & Urban Design Sustainability Coordinator with experience in planning or urban design for our Boston office, to work on a variety of college and university campuses, urban mixed-use districts, corporate campuses and resilience planning. You'll work me and with Alison Nash, our... Read more
Forum topic
Hi SD Leader: Please review, consider or pass along this terrific new position leading the Sustainability strategic direction at the Washington University School of Medicine. WashU has an ambitious sustainability leader role regionally and across the nation and the School of Medicine (highly ranked nationally) plays a big role in that. The job... Read more
Basic page
Now that you’ve read “The Urgency of Embodied Carbon,” sign up for BuildingGreen Premium to take the quiz and get continuing education credits with AIA and GBCI.
BuildingGreen Premium includes access to our vast CEU library, including Spotlight Reports, feature articles, and webcasts. We’... Read more
Forum topic
Hi All, this is primarily directed at our Sustainable MEP folks, but please anyone with insight feel free to weigh in.
I am increasingly seeing designs and specifications asking for Passive House levels of airtightness as verified by blower door testing, but with traditional ventilation system designs.
To me, Passive House US has... Read more
Forum topic
Hello everyone!
A small subgroup SCL members have been working on writing a response the presentation Wes Sullens gave us at the Summit this past winter. It's been a long process but the letter and all it's reccomendations are drafted and ready to present. The group felt it prudent to post the response here first for a short public... Read more
Forum topic
Hello Green Gurus,
Now is a pivotal moment. Net Zero Stretch Code legislation has been proposed in the Massachusetts House and Senate, and draft code language is currently being developed by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS). The Net Zero Stretch Code is currently the greatest single opportunity to support reduced... Read more
Forum topic
Good Afternoon!
has anyone heard of this? the program focuses on healthcare construction but i think it would be good for all construction sites to have a certified individual. And for those of us that report to CDP, this would be a good risk management strategy to include. Read more
Forum topic
Hi all!
I've heard several people talk about developing tools for assessing/codifying a client's values for a project as part of an integrated design process (ie. a set of questions, survey, etc.). Would anyone be willing to share?
(Z, are you listening? I specifically recall you mentioning a tool like this...)
Thanks!... Read more
Forum topic
Here's the Core Purpose for this group that came out of the Inaugural Summit.
We're off and running!